Okay, not one for the purists I know. Basically the best or most popular Northern Soul songs. And there have been quite a few excellent comps before and since. But this is the one that really opened my ears to the whole Northern Soul thing. It was like a doorway to all those other comps I had lying about my collection. And it also got me buying more.
Mainly cos I heard a lot of these songs at the Highland Room at the Mecca Ballroom in Blackpool in the seventies. And these were the songs they played those nights I went. Not the really rare stuff but the hits that worked with the crowd like any other club. Keep everyone dancing. And for me who didn't have a clue about Northern Soul when my cousin took me there I needed songs like these to get me going. Mind you I was a crap dancer. The girl I was going out with, second date, mocked my dancing style. I still bear the scars today. Girls can do that.
This is one of the first CDs I ever bought online. When websites like CDWow were selling albums you couldn't get here, and at cheaper prices with free delivery well from then on it was almost goodbye JB Hifi. The same thing happened to book stores.
Anyway cracking double CD. Starts off with 7 Days is Too Long and then just grooves like an all-nighter even finishing with the big 3. The songs that used to close the night at Wigan Casino including the sublime "Long After Tonight Is All Over"
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