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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Black Magic by Various Artists 1979

Bought this in Tower Records in London when I went over there in 79. At the time my soul section of the record collection was devoid of the classics so when I saw this record even though it was on the cheapo Pickwick label I had to get it because it seemed to have every soul song I had heard of. It even provided two songs that Little Murders would cover in "Stand by Me" and "Midnight Hour".  Despite a couple of naff songs that I wouldn't go anywhere near, it was brimming with soul classics. And it would lead me into all sorts of places looking for the best-ofs of these artists. Aretha Franklin, Sam and Dave, Booker T are all on this double album. I have to admit, with the great soul artists there's not much but compilations in my collection.
The best thing about that 79 holiday in England was the amount of stuff I managed to bring home. All of it to find use in the Mod clubs I'd be involved in. I brought back ska records from The Specials, Madness and Beat. all the mod singles (which I picked up cheap in a Blackpool newsagency..25p each). This album plus other soul biggies. I had to go down to Tower Records and buy myself record boxes to bring them home.
When I saw the purple hearts in Edinburgh I was impressed by the DJ who played with them. So I was determined to have DJs play with Little Murders. Gigs at the Market Hotel in South Yarra would be advertised as Little Murders and Mod DJ. No support band. From that it lead to Kommotion where the Murders didn't play but where I DJed regularly.

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