Never been able to get into a full Cure album so when this CD came along it was a chance to have all my favourite tracks in one place. To me, they were a brilliant singles band. The amount of classic songs on this album is amazing. We used to love it at the Lizard when albums like this came out because it meant we could reduce the number of discs to bring in with us. A few years later and it wouldn't matter because everything could be burned onto one disc.
This set opens with Killing an Arab the first single, but it also contains 10:15 Saturday Night which a sign of things to come. Boys Don't Cry. When I first got a video camera I made a film clip of me miming to the song. It was my first effort and is locked well away.
I got to see them on their second tour (missed the Macy's gig on their first when they played the night after us) at the Ballroom and songs like The Forest and Primary bring that night back. A wash of keyboards.
Let's Go to Bed and The Walk bring back memories of Therapy, a disco we all went to during the latter days of electronica and new romantic. Then In Between days and Close to Me which calls to mind The Beehive and Lizard Lounge. I guess these songs have left their fingerprints all over the Eighties with enough energy to also infiltrate the 90s. I saw them live again at the Rod Laver Arena but it wasn't much fun.
My mate Dan went to the Sydney Opera House to see them a few years back. They played the first album. He said they were great. With tickets going for 2000 dollars they'd have to be. I think it was 6 dollars at Macy's.
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