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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Graceland by Paul Simon 1986

I was in the UK visiting family when my brother David put this album on through his new sound system. My trips to the UK were always at Christmas as being a teacher I would have those extra long holidays that people get so envious of. All my recollections are mostly bright and sunny but pretty cold. Inside was warm as only English houses are warm. Central heating indeed. And this record just filled up the room.
I didn't have much interest in Paul Simon since the Simon and Garfunkel times (and I was that big on them either) except for a few of his hits in the early seventies. So wasn't prepared for how good this album was going to be. The sound these South African musicians make from the word go with "Boy in The Bubble" is just amazing. Incredible rhythms with Paul Simon melodies over the top were a magic formula. It was such a complete album. really like nothing I'd heard before.  I could even get into "You Can Call Me Al" so it fits in so well with everything else that's going on here.
Hugh Cornwell from The Stranglers even named it album of the year. It crossed all borders except maybe the faction who had slapped an embargo on making music in South Africa. I would have thought introducing these great musicians to the world would have been a good thing. However there was a lot of fuss. But the album also introduced us to Los Lobos who rocked out on the record and the sound of zydeco from the USA also gets a look in. Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Youssou N'Dour. A world record indeed. I
Sadly after this album he got a bit boring again. His next album always literally put me to sleep. Twice I tried to listen and fell asleep.
Not so with Graceland. This album is a joy.

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