I always liked the Pet Shop Boys since West End Girls onwards though I don't listen to them much nowadays. Battered down by wave after wave of people who actually can't stand them in my circles. I've given up talking about them. But they had great pop songs. And have made some great albums. This being one of them.
I guess I started listening to them when I first started listening to stuff on my Walkman. Their music just sounded so good through headphones. Mainly it was the singles plus maybe a few album tracks. It wasn't until this album that I actually liked a whole album of theirs.
Firstly it's got this great Lego CD cover. Very tactile. Then it's got a bunch of great tracks.
Luckily I had the Walkman because none of my friends wanted to hear this. neither did any of my girlfriends. So it kind of forced itself into being my personal soundtrack.
Notably, it reminds me of the time I went to the Greek islands. The sun, the beaches, the heat..it was like the perfect Pet Shop Boys setting. I remember there was this beach where the sun was so hot and the sand was burning feet so they had to put wooden boards leading to the damper sand closer to the water. I was so into listening to the music I went for a walk by myself so I could listen to the music and take in the sights.
It took me ages to find somebody else who enjoys them. Thank god for Facebook. I guess they're my guilty pleasure.
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