As I was scooping up sixties albums in the mid seventies some of them were just to add to my collection and some would just stop me in my tracks and force me to keep listening. Aftermath was the first (well maybe second if you count the greatest hits package) Stones album I fell in love with. There"s something about the songs and the sound that make it such a classic mid-sixties record. It kicks off with Mother's Little Helper and then basically soundtracks Swinging London for the next 35 minutes.
Under My Thumb was one of Ronny's big spins at Rubber Soul. I liked to spin Out Of Time. But the album is packed with great tunes and give a nod to their bluesy past but also point forward to what they will become. When I put this album on in my flat with all those sixties posters and a palm tree in the corner, directors chairs for furniture, Get Smart on TV with the sound turned down...I felt I was almost there. Chelsea, London 1966
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