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Thursday, July 14, 2011

The first time I heard Belle and Sebastian was "The Boy With The Arab Strap" a great song that I totally loved and still do, The album it came from was great too. So after enjoying that I was eagerly looking for more Belle and Sebastian. I'd read the legendary Tigermilk album was a long gone debut release limited to 1000 copies and incredibly rare. But then they released it on CD. I guess cos the proper albums were doing so well.
And it was great. There is something very do it yourself about the album. Reminiscent of the Smiths at their best but without the power I guess but with a niche all of their own, Some of the tracks sound like they have pulled off a cassette tape.
It begins with State I'm In. A great opener. Great lyrics. And it just feels good. And then song after song. Brilliant tunes.
I finally got to see them live. My wife Liz is a big fan. They didn't disappoint. You could tell the crowd just loved them. It was one of the best crowds I'd seen really. You just get a feeling about a good crowd. People smile at each other. They don't push you out the way. I mean we were still blighted by the incredibly tall people that like to stand in front of us at gigs. But I swear he turned around and gave us an apologetic look. The band and the audience were right in tune.
Now when they come to Australia we always buy tickets to the show. 
And I've managed to get most their records now. If You're Feeling Sinister is a particular favourite.

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