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Sunday, July 3, 2011

In The City by The Jam 1977

Only 32 minutes long but enough to kick start all those ideas floating in my head and get them out there. NME was always banging on about the new groups but it was the review of The Jam live that really got my attention. Superlatives not needed, a faster Dr. Feelgood, a cooler Eddie and The Hot Rods..children of the Who.I couldn't wait to hear this record. I kept checking down the record shop for it to come out. Then it was in my hands. And what a blast it was. Those guitars. That drumming. The Who DNA. Art School, I Got By In Time and Away From The Numbers. This is the kind of music I wanted to make. Well, this and The Clash combined.
I was living at my brother Tony's house in Blackburn. My mum had gone back to the UK so I was a bit alone. I had borrowed my mate's huge portable tape deck/sound system he'd bought in Thailand. I put the speakers on the mics and recorded the Jam onto a cassette for my car. automatic levels on the mics made the sound even more dynamic and hot for the car stereo. And with the music that was coming out in 77 how could anyone feel alone. I had a guitar anyway.
Not long after we were wearing skinny black ties and op shop suits. The seeds of the new Mod had been planted.

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