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Friday, June 17, 2011

Revolver by The Beatles. 1966

This is another record I bought off my brother Steve when he got married. Until I started writing this stuff I didn't realise he had some pretty good taste. Of course, sharing a room with him and hearing him play these records was forming my taste too.
When I first got into the Beatles in the late sixties it was their early records I really loved and played the most. But as I became more of a discerning record buyer and came back to the Beatles again and again and my musical tastes buds developed I became more focused on their golden middle period. Rubber Soul used to be my favourite album and then one day it became Revolver. At first, I was attracted to the ballads especially For No One and Here There and Everywhere. When I started playing the guitar it was the rockers like She Said. Actually, there is a mixture of sounds here that I've dipped into all my life. and they've got their obligatory rubbish song in Yellow Submarine but even that song I've taught many kids to sing along to and well really it's not that bad. And I loved that film too.
In the mid-nineties, we started playing Tomorrow Never Knows at the Lizard Lounge and it fitted in seamlessly with the Chemical Brothers.
And what a sleeve. In 1968 I was at Croydon High School. All the artwork that the kids were doing in the later years looked like Revolver outtakes. Wonderful. I love the sixties!

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