I read a review in NME or some other music paper. This sounded great. And the Rezillos covered sixties tunes too. How fab! But couldn't find it anywhere. None of the shops had it. Or they were getting it in. It used to drive me nuts reading about great albums and then having to wait until they were released here. Then like a ray of light on a cloudy day, I was passing the second-hand bin in some record shop and there it was. A preview copy had been traded in. I'd never heard a track but I was bloody excited. Sometimes you can love a band before you hear them.
But then when I got the record on the turntable it was just fantastic. It was like a bunch of hit singles. It had a bit of glam meets punk side that leapt out of the speakers. Top of The Pops, Flying Saucer Attack, somebody's Gonna Get There Head Kicked in Tonite..great song after great song!
And they stopped being the Rezillos and became the Revillos! The Motorbike Beat
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