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Sunday, January 29, 2012

These Foolish Things by Bryan Ferry 1973

 I was going out with a girl from Teacher's College and one day I picked up this album from a small music shop in Box Hill on Whitehorse road. It was an instrument shop and sold a few albums as well. But they had decided the album caper wasn't worth the room used so they sold off their stock for 1:99 each. I had everything Roxy I wanted already (or so I thought) except this which I hadn't got round to buying because I was appalled by the version of Hard Rain's Gonna Fall (now I love it) and I was a steadfast Roxy man. But I took it back to my girlfriend's place in North Balwyn and we played it a few times and she liked it more than the Roxy albums I'd played to her. And it was full of songs I'd never heard before so I had nothing to compare them to. It was great. Mr Ferry was cool. I wanted to wear suits and hang around pool parties in Hollywood when I listened to his solo work.
Anyway we even made the title track our song. Xmas presents and such were often based on one of the lyrics. We even went to Paris together. And London. And in London we saw him perform the song on the Cilla Black show. It really was our song. 
Then we broke up. 
One night I'm driving home from the Clayton Drive In with a new girlfriend and I'm playing the album on my cassette. And I sing along to These Foolish Things. And she loves it and says "That should be our song!" And I tell her that the song is kinda taken and the all hell breaks loose.
PS Do couples still have "songs"?

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