From the opening track "Love Vigilantes" I just fell in love with this album. I had the 12 inches of Subculture and Perfect Kiss picking them up in a store on Commercial Road Prahran when I'd heard them blasting out of the speakers and really leaving me stunned. Before that I hadn't noticed New Order except for Blue Monday and Temptation a few years earlier. I couldn't imagine myself listening to a whole album of electronic stuff. I was into guitars. But that day in that long-forgotten record shop just turned me around. I went back a few weeks later and bought Low Life. Just hearing Love Vigilantes I knew it was going to be great. I had this flat in Park street West St. Kilda. The living room window was huge, floor to ceiling, and overlooked another group of flats. I'd sit in the dark listening to New Order and watching the scenes insides other people's flats like I was watching a science fiction film. Or at least Rear Window by Hitchcock.
I went out and bought any other New Order stuff I could find. I was just engrossed in their sound. At the time I was DJing in a sixties venue the Rubber Soul so I had no way of sharing these records. Then Ronny and Michael opened Beehive in the pub next to the freeway and I finally got to play New order real loud in a club. Their natural home.
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