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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Damned, Damned, Damned by the Damned 1977

We had the Ramones first album but what we were waiting for was music from the UK where the punk scene was really happening. Well according to the NME. The Damned were in a total rush. First punk band to get a single out. First to tour the US. First to get an album out. In the end, they made the first rubbish punk album with their second but that was a bit in the future and of course, they later redeemed themselves.
I already had a poster on the wall of my bedroom. It was a picture of the band covered in cake with large lettering "Play it at your sister". I thought that was great and used it as the title of one of my first punk songs.
The album was out in the UK and shortly after I was able to get into Box Hill and buy myself a copy. I can't remember the now long gone record store where I bought albums for over a decade. I do recall never having to browse because every time I went to that shop I knew exactly what I was leaving with. Browsing was for Brashes sales and second-hand stores.
Got the album home and started playing it loudly in my room. I had these new headphones which almost covered my head and had separate volume knobs on each side so at night I would listen through those. My writing started to reflect my listening so I began writing in the Damned style. When I started Subway version 2 (version one was Dylan electric style) it was all three chords, very fast and shouty choruses.
The Damned also got me back listening to Iggy Pop by covering a Stooges song on the album. And "Neat Neat Neat" is one of the classic opening tracks of any album.

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