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Monday, January 30, 2012

The Man Machine by Kraftwerk 1978

After the blast of Punk the movement broke up into several smaller scenes. although I stayed with my sixties guitar pop I was still enamoured with the electronic music which had been broadcast to the world by David Bowie. He was championing Kraftwerk a lot and in 1978 Man and Machine came out. It sounded perfect. Mesmerizing. It was like one of those videos of a city at night but with the film sped up at the same time the action on the street slowed down. You'd go to parties and though I wouldn't call it dancing, people were swaying to Kraftwerk. Usually later on when the house was trashed from 100 people dancing in a small living room.
I didn't really start listening to Kraftwerk properly until the early eighties when it's influence really kicked it. I had a flat with a large balcony on Meredith Street Elwood. I'd sit out there on warm nights and listen to a mixture of this album, the Bladerunner soundtrack and even a bit of the old classical stuff. I guess I was chilling out.

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