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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd 1973

Back in 1974 everyone was listening to this album. Every store was playing it. People were using it to test their new stereo systems. I wasn't a fan of it at all but I couldn't escape it. It was everywhere. And one night I got to listen to it continuously thanks to an "..athon" my youth group was having. We all decided to do something to raise money. Something that ran for 16 hours and we'd get sponsorship. We got to stay out at the church hall all night. My mate Pete's plan was to listen to "Dark Side Of The Moon" constantly for 12 hours. A Dark Side of The Moonathon! 8pm on a Friday night we started listening. I hadn't come up with any ideas so I was just supporting. So I sat and listened with him. And I didn't even like the record. But there was some good stuff on it. Not that I was gonna buy it after that. And I don't think he made the 12 hours. I fell asleep quite early. Out in a car. Away from Pink Floyd. Where I heard "Nights in White Satin" for the first time on a good car stereo and it blew me away.
Actually, the only one to do 16 hours was my girlfriend, Lynne who roller-skated around the inside of the hall all night. In the morning someone from the local paper came and took her picture. She was still going around after everyone else had gone home. I sat on the kitchen bench and waited for her to finish. She finished, we kissed and then her dad picked her up. He gave me a bit of a look seeing no one else seemed to be around. I got on my bike and rode home.
For years after I avoided the Floyd. Though I did learn to play Wish You Were Here early on.  I'd champion Syd Barrett Floyd and rubbish later Floyd. Then I met my wife Liz and she loved Pink Floyd. She'd try and play me the album "Animals" but I couldn't listen to that but as a compromise I tried listening to other albums. The only one I could listen all the way through was Dark Side.   Though nowadays I've got enough songs by Pink Floyd that I like that I could almost fill a mix CD. Almost.
I even went to see Roger Waters in concert and it was brilliant.

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