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Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Slider by T. Rex 1972

When this album came out in 1972 T.Rex were still my number one band. 1971 might have been John Lennon but now it was Marc Bolan I was listening to. I took down my John Lennon poster and replaced it withT. Rex. So when Slider came out I was picking it up on the day it was released. And despite my love of bands and records there really is only a handful of records I've picked up on the day of release. We'd already heard Telegram Sam and Metal Guru so the expectancy was high. 
Unfortunately, there wasn't anybody else at my school who was remotely interested in T.Rex. So I had no one who shared my passion for pop bands. I was actually mocked for my love of T.Rex. I didn't mind that much. I couldn't stand their late sixties blues rubbish anyway. Also, the girls got it and I was really interested in girls by 1972. I was starting the "hanging around" stage of my teenage years. Hanging around the milk bar, the fish and chip shop and gravitating towards shopping centres. 
Back at home after dinner  I'd sit in my front room surrounded by Christmas lights and burning incense listening to this absolutely brilliant sound coming out of my record player. The music was really something else. Almost a sci-fi version of fifties rock vaguely reminiscent of Eddie Cochran.  I loved this record. I played it constantly along with the earlier T. Rex albums. Like all great music it took me somewhere else.
Then one night I took a break from the records and listened to the radio. "Starman" by David Bowie came on. And that changed everything.

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