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Monday, May 30, 2011

Rattlesnakes by Lloyd Coyle and The Commotions 1984

As Little Murders were winding down after some bad decisions and basically just getting worn out after constant gigging for six years (up to 5 times a week) I had more time to DJ at friend's clubs and generally just go out. After playing so much it wasn't that easy. I DJed at the Venetian Room now and again. An upstairs club run by Ronny and Michael in the city. The Church played there. so did the Go-Betweens. Actually some really great bands played there.
Anyway I had moved to the other side of town and was living in St. Kilda. Upstairs flat. Starting thinking about where I lived. My flat in Fitzroy looked like a teenagers bedroom. Rock posters everywhere. Records everywhere. I guess it was time to grow up a bit. Went down to Ikea and bought some furniture. Framed a few posters or picked them up from the art gallery. Lamps . A bit of art deco.
And a bit of Lloyd Cole and Rattlesnakes. There was something a bit Warholian about this record. Pop culture was all over this record. Also it had a retro feel with it's references to On The Waterfront and Eve Marie Saint.
The first song that I really got into was Forest Fire. Probably because I read about it first. I liked the allusions to love and fire. so I bought the record. The rest of the record turned out to be just as great.

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