In 1972 I was living in Blackburn South. Form 5. Really full-on music fan now! The latest thing which spread like a virus around Box Hill High School was the Australian record Club. When you joined you got 5 albums for some minuscule amount. If you got someone else to join you got two. You just had to buy six (or was it twelve) more albums that year. Easy. Kids were signing up everyone. Then you got a catalogue and picked out your monthly record. It would arrive quite promptly. Mum would sit it near the stereo for when I got home from school. I remember seeing the Stooges in the catalogue having no idea who they were and why would you name a band after a comedy act.
Anyway one delivery I clearly remember was this album. My first Who record. Recommended by my mate's brother and soon to consume my life. I never knew they had so many great singles. It was on endless rotation. I couldn't get enough of it and it sent me searching other Who albums. I always thought that some of the tracks were alternative versions or even re recorded versions because some are definitely longer than the 7 inch singles. Many years later the internet would confirm my thoughts.
And the cover. Some kind of touchy feel thing like bumpy..very tactile.
Anyway I had just got my first electric guitar for 30 bucks (including a Coronet amp) and now I had something to really thrash along to. substitute..I'm a Boy..My Generation...Substitute and more.
Then one day I was kicking a ball around at school and one of the guys started talking about a song called Baba O'Riley off the new Who album. I was about to get my mind blown again!
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