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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Not my favourite Beatles album but a very important one for me. One day I got home from school. Box Hill High. I was in Form 2 which is now know as Year 8 and there was a big square package on my bed. My Mum had been to the new Doncaster Shoppingtown and brought back not only my first Beatles album but my first album ever. I was breathless. I went down to the living room and put it on the crappy fifties stereo. wasn't too big on side one at first but side two just knocked me out. I thought that this was the difference between singles and albums. All those songs running into each other.
A couple of weeks later I was at a class party and they kept playing the first side. It seems everyone was rapt in Come together and Something. Me I was over with Polythene Pam and Mean Mr Mustard.
We used to play that suite of songs at Rubber soul on the Beatles theme nights. Sadly my ipod doesn't put those songs together.  So they don't have the same affect.
And the true test of a classic album. Must contain some rubbish. Octopuses Garden. Ringo having his go. I must admit that it took me a long time to warm to I Want You. But that was what was great with vinyl. You didn't skip tracks as much. No remote! so songs were given a bit more of a chance to grow on you.

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