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Thursday, January 27, 2011

For Your Pleasure by Roxy Music 1973

I first encountered the wonderful world of Roxy Music at my friend Peter Joyce's place. I can still remember the first time I saw this cover on the dining room table in his house. Between him and his brother I got a fantastic musical education away from my slightly narrow view of what was good in rock. Mainly Beatles, Bowie and T.Rex. Being a glam rock fan and seeing the inside photos of their albums I didn't think the glam rock thing suited them. They really looked like a bunch of aliens. But when the needle went on the record and "Do The Strand" came on I was transfixed. By the time I got to "Editions of You" and "In Every Dream Home a Heartache" I was sold.
Roxy world was a whole different place.  Sophisticated and cool with a hint of menace. I always dreamt of having a Hollywood pool party with their music playing. Because it was like some futuristic postcard of the Fifties in the US.
They came to Festival Hall after the release of Country Life and it remains the best concert I ever went to. I'm still there in the fourth row with the hairs on the back of my neck standing up during Editions of You.

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