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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Transformer by Lou Reed 1972

1973 summer I spent at a Camp in Banksia which is near Lakes Entrance. The camps were organised by religious groups but there wasn't much religion going on. Anyway, everyone had a real good time and a few weeks after we were all invited to the house of one of the cool cats at the camp. So a few of us drove all the way to Preston from Blackburn. Our bunch who were all at school at the time realised there was a large difference between these share house cool cats and us so I think we spent most of the time sitting in the front garden.
But they kept putting on this album. I was really starting to get into Bowie big time and I'd heard about this Lou Reed record but I wasn't prepared for just how good it was. Friends tried to talk to me but I was too busy listening. There was a girl I liked there and it was going well until this came on. I was too enthralled in the music to pay her attention while this was on.
I remember the smell of patchouli oil that someone was wearing. The speakers in the windows. And these fantastic songs.
When I got the album I was disappointed that it was the RCA super thin vinyl. But the front cover by Mick Rock was great. The back cover was a big talking point at school. God knows why especially since I was at an all boys school. And the album contained so many classics.
A few years later he played Festival Hall. Drag queens walked out. We stayed but really it was a bit of a heavy metal bore.

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