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Thursday, April 8, 2021

Pin-Ups by David Bowie 1973

 I was thinking about this album the other day and how I often make light of it. A lot of bad cover versions of great sixties songs. But then I found one of my old diaries and there was me as a young teenager raving over Bowie's Pin-Ups. Of course time had altered my opinion of the record because eventually I got to hear all the real versions. I mean when the album came out I didn't have a clue who the Pretty Things were. When I did get to hear the originals was the time I started playing in bands, collecting records and on my way to becoming a Mod about time. So I dismissed Pin Ups as a folly.

But at the time it came out I was in love with the record. I would sit in the front room of my house in Blackburn South with the Christmas lights stuck to the walls and the photos of my Glam heroes on the wall just digging this album. If anything Bowie was leading me towards Sixties music with an edge. That I would eventually have all the original singles is proof of that.

Then there was Sorrow which was a massive hit single in Australia. It was always on the radio. First time I heard it was standing outside Batman Records in Swanston Street. I used to spend school holidays travelling around Melbourne by myself checking out movies and record shops. I loved it. 

A few days ago I went back and listened to Pin Ups once more. And it's brilliant!

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