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Friday, April 23, 2021

Guitar Romantic by The Exploding Hearts 2003

 So what am I listening to now? One of the great things is finding rock bands and music that you missed when they were around. Even better when you find records that you can't take off the turntable and soundtrack weeks or months of your life. Guitar Romantic got stuck on my turntable a few weeks ago and is fighting off all comers. It is also reconnecting me to some of the pop-punk bands I haven't listened to for a while like Generation X.

I had been hearing the name Exploding Hearts ever since I went on my first trip to Japan a few years back. I also saw their name on radio song lists and quite possibly heard their records played inside a mix of great other songs. But as I was online shopping about a month ago their album popped up on eBay when I was looking for something else. Something about the algorithms innate in the system does that. Sometimes they are annoying. This time they struck gold. 

I thought I would give them a listen and jumped on Spotify to check them out. The songs blew a hole in my computer speakers. They reminded me of all those singles I was into in 1979 like The Boys, The Jam and the tracks on the Powerpearls series of records. Next thing I was blasting them out of the car stereo and ordering the vinyl.

I looked them up I found that sadly almost all the band died in a car crash not long after this record was released. This is their only studio album. And it's brilliant!

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