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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hunky Dory by David Bowie 1971

After buying Ziggy Stardust I found out Bowie had a few previous albums. The first one I picked up was Hunky Dory. I couldn't believe how good it was. The public soon caught up with it too. Bowie was the king. All the tough lads and sharpies had Bowie cuts. Spiky red hair. Unfortunately, my hair tended to fall into the Marc Bolan camp and I was reluctant to go over to Bowie's style. Especially after a disastrous Dave Hill (Slade) fringe cut.
It was another thin record. There was a vinyl shortage in the early seventies. My copy also was a bit crackly. I should have taken it back but I couldn't stop playing it. In the front room. With this album, I had also moved on to lighting incense to create an atmosphere. Mood lighting. And there was only me and the record player. I invented my own headphones. I put the 2 speakers on either side of my head while lying on a pillow. Mum thought I was nuts. Especially when she had to bang on the door to get my attention.
What songs...Life on Mars, Changes, Oh You Pretty things. Andy Warhol...after consuming Ziggy it was like a feast. Bowie just blew everyone else away.

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