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Monday, February 7, 2011

Modern Lovers by Modern Lovers 1976

I first heard this album round at Bruce Milne's house in 1978 when we had just started dreaming of recording singles for his fledgeling label Au Go Go. At the time he hadn't anything out at all but he had the label designed. I loved going round to his place. It was incredibly bohemian but at the same time very rock and roll. So many records and books and posters of acts I'd only heard about. US and British versions of records I had picked up at Brashes. All his stuff was in fruit crates piled high like a bookcase. It was a bedroom the size of a studio or a small flat. And we drank strange tea.
And one day he played this album telling me how at one time he and Graeme Pitt (who played bass for one night in The Fiction) had both lost their girlfriends and had found solace in listening to this album. So I didn't know what to expect. 
 The needle hot the groove and I was knocked out. It was hard to get past Roadrunner but as each track followed it was just an album that you could love instantly. Very reminiscent of Velvet Underground but totally out of the left field and unique mainly due to the charismatic Jonathon Richman. Flip the cover and the band look so cool. (the image only ruined when Bruce pulled out their Rock and Roll album and showed me that cover..what a change!). Anyway back to the Modern Lovers and I'm loving it and then Someone I Care About starts playing and the hair raises on the back of my neck. If I was loving the record then that song just sealed the deal.
I spend the next few weeks tracking the album down. The vinyl hunter.
And I've spent over 40 years listening to this cool and special record.

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