It took me a long time to hear this album and it started with one of those singles that were tucked away in the back of our neighbor's house and he wanted to get rid of. Graeme Boyd was a DJ at 3AK. He had tons of singles and albums floating about the house and now and again he would give me a box of them. Mostly rubbish but with a few gems. So many singles it took me ages to get through them all. One was "Alone Again Or/A House is Not a Motel" by Love. Good enough to keep but not on the top of my playlist. Not when I was busy listening to the Beatles.
Then later in the seventies I started reading about the band and I got intrigued and searched out the album. When I found it in some second hand store and got it home and played it and heard "Alone again Or" in the context of the album I was hooked. I loved the mariachi horns, the acoustic guitars and the wild ideas crashing about the recording. It was like finding lost treasure. I think it was the summer of 1980 I would play this with the windows open and just drift backwards into 1967. I still want to put mariachi horns on one of my own records. Something I was aiming for with the horns on "Keys to My Heart" from my Home album.
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