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Monday, October 10, 2011

Stoneage Romeos by Hoodoo Gurus 1984

Booked to support Little Murders on a Monday night at the Prospect Hill Hotel (Monday nights were incredibly huge gigs.. the place was packed and always ready to party!... it was a major score to get a months residency there) they pulled out at the last minute but we got to play with them a little later on a shared bill at the Jump Club.
Le Hoodoo Gurus took off really quickly it seemed. They had this brilliant single called Leilana that was all over RRR. When I saw them play I was amazed that they just had guitars and drums and no bass player. The crowd went nuts. They loved everything they did.
Soon they would drop the Le and a guitarist (the legendary Roddy Ray'Da), add a bass player and record a bunch of brilliant singles and this great album. All the singles ended up on this album. Tojo, My Girl, a new version of Leilana. I was mad about this record.
When I wasn't playing myself I'd go and see them at places like Macy's and the Armadale. I particularly remember their cover songs too like "That's Cool, That'sTrash" by the Kingsmen and Galveston by Glen Campbell. It took me ages to find the original version of the Kingsmen record. It was such a good song. Hoodoos should of recorded it though because it's their version that sticks in my head.
Later on we played this album to death at places like the Beehive and Barbarella's. A classic Australian album that helped to define the guitar era of the Eighties.

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