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Monday, October 3, 2011

Idlewild by Everything But The Girl 1988

Well, there's got to be some quiet time around the house. It can't all be pounding drums and chiming guitars.  In 1988 when this album came out I was living in Elwood on the top floor of a block of flats in Meredith Street. You could actually go up from my flat and it was a big open roof. One year I threw a birthday party up there. It was pretty big. A friend of mine who was minding the place actually dragged a mattress up there one hot night and slept up there. On New Year's Eve, you could watch the fireworks.
I remember playing this song a lot at Meredith Street. Not only was the sound lush and one could say a little to the middle of the road. But calming on a Sunday afternoon. Sitting on an Ikea couch (the same one as two of my friends) Surrounded by Art Deco statues, art prints and Japanese robots. Waiting for friends to turn up with a bottle of Stolly. Especially after 3 nights of DJing playing lots of guitar music.
And I really liked the lyrics.  So it wasn't just background music. It was an album to listen to. Back in a time when I would actually sit on the sofa and listen to records. I'm not even sure I could do that anymore. I really enjoy hearing albums in the car because I can really hear what's going on but more often than not I will rely on music I really know. So I now I listen to music while I'm busy doing something else. Like right now, typing.

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