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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rubber Soul by The Beatles 1965

It might not be there best album but its impact and influence on me would be the greatest. It would be my real entry point into the Beatles. It came out a few months after I arrived in Australia in 1965. I didn't get the album until 1968. It's the one where I really thought of them producing an album that I could listen to again and again on this old record player someone had given us. It was the first Beatles album I ever owned and I still get goosebumps looking at the cover. This is what a band should look like. Not those corny suits with no collars.
And what songs. Drive My Car was a regular play at Rubber Soul the club I DJed at named after the album. Incidentally, we followed that up with Revolver in 91. Run For Your Life which always reminds me of my brother John because he would always ask me to put that song on again. The magical In My Life... often applauded as the best Beatles song ever.
The only dud for me is Ringo's What Goes On which is country by numbers. Everything else is brilliant. And look at the two songs they left off to release a single. Day Tripper and We Can Work It Out.
I put the album on this morning. The guitars sparkle. The harmonies and melodies dazzle. And it rocks.

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