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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Through The Past Darkly by The Rolling Stones 1969

I had to think long and hard about this one because of course, it's a compilation. So is it worth devalued? Not to me,
I first heard this record when my brother would play it on Sunday mornings as we lay in bed. He had the record player in between our two beds. Of all the stuff he played this was my favourite. I loved the cover. The strange polygon shape. The world's coolest band mugging to the camera. And then just a heap of brilliant songs and album tracks that laid the groundwork for all my Stones purchases. Jumping Jack Flash, Mother's Little helper, She's a Rainbow, 2000 Light years...and more.
In 1972 my brother got married and sold off all his records. So I bought this record and a few more classics. I still remember going through these great records knowing that they would soon be mine. I think they cost me 50 cents each.
When I started DJing at Rubber Soul this stayed in the box for 6 years then moved to the Lizard Lounge box until CD eventually replaced the vinyl.
I was contemplating writing about Exile and while checking out that album I came across Through The Past Darkly. Front cover now sadly gone. A little scratchy. But putting the needle on the record and I realise how much it used to mean to me. And still does.
And don't underestimate the power of compilations.

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