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Friday, March 26, 2021

Raw Power by Iggy Pop 1973

 There was a pub in Daylesford called the Royal Hotel that would put The Fiction and Little Murders on regularly on a Saturday night. At one stage the owner of the pub told us the two biggest bands in Daylesford were Little Murders and Men at Work. Same thing at the Market Hotel in Prahran.

When we played there the band would get rooms upstairs. We would arrive late in the afternoon and I would start on the brandy and dry straight away. That was my drink of choice before gigs. We played a lot in winter so it would be a few drinks while setting up then a pub meal followed by the first of three sets. The room we played in had a bucket with mirrors glued to it hanging off the ceiling. DIY mirrorball. The punters danced underneath and I often envisaged mayhem if it ever fell down with the ragged shards of glass penetrating skin and muscle.

On our first gig in 1978  a girl flying too close to the wind and breathing scotch and coke into my face came up real close and said "Play "Search and Destroy" She kept doing this all night to my face. In between sets. 

Search and destroy is of course the opening song to "Raw Power' my favourite of the Stooges albums. Maybe it was because it was produced by Bowie. Maybe because some of the songs were just so raw and majestic. After picking up the album I quickly put it onto the cassette so I could play it in my car. This was Saturday night music. Pre-gig warm-up.

As for Search and Destroy I would never be able to pull that off. I saw Radio Birdman play it at the Tiger Room and it crashed the place. I knew my path was going to be a little different.

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