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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Bends by Radiohead 1995

Although "Creep" was a massive hit and got played to death at the Lizard Lounge Radiohead didn't really look like they were going to be anything out of the ordinary. Although of course Creep was definitely a huge song. But then again a lot of bands had massive alternative cross-over hits. I mean "Unbelievable" by EMF was new and fantastic. And Jesus Jones "Right Here Right Now" 
Radiohead's first album didn't particularly impress. Though I did like 'Stop Whispering'. So I took little notice when they released their second album in 1995. While everyone was focusing on Brit Pop this slow grower (well for me it was) started to lift Radiohead way above their contemporaries. 
My girlfriend at the time was living with an old pal of mine Lee, not very far away from my house in Elwood. I think she was only there for the summer. She did live with me for a while but she was forever coming and going so I don't know what state our relationship was in. In fact, all I can remember is going around to their place one evening and listening to "The Bends" as the temperature outside heated up. I couldn't believe how good the album was. Great song after great song. It started with High and Dry and then Fake Plastic Trees and then it got messy but I loved it. The joy of finding an album that instantly connects.
Another bonus was as a DJ at a popular nightclub I would get all the CD-singles from the record companies. The b-sides off singles from this album and later OK Computer were just amazing.
I was still listening to The Bends when they brought out OK Computer a few years later. And the game changed again.

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