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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Steve McQueen by Prefab Sprout 1985

I must admit when I first heard Prefab Sprout I was not very impressed. Overproduced, too lush and far too soft. But it was coming home late after a DJing gig one night and watching videos when the song Appetite came on and I was hooked. Instead of buying the single I decided to buy the album. I mean, it had a great title. And "Appetite" kinda got to me. The album was just great. It just drew me in with every play. I think it was the words that got to me more than the music first.  There were so many quotable lines in there and the singer mined the same angsty coalmine as Morrissey in many way. Dry humour.
I was driving my Mazda down to the beach one afternoon with a girl I was seeing at the time. I always thought she reluctantly went out with me from the moment we first met. I was a DJ at Barbarellas. And we met at 4am in the morning. And she didn't like DJs. We were all up them ourselves I guess.
Anyway I was playing this record in the car and it came to the song "Horsing Around" She told me to pull over and explain what I was trying to tell her. I didn't have a clue what she was talking about. Until she refered me back to the lyrics on Steve McQueen. I was just listening to my favourite record at the time and she thought I was sending her messages. It was a rocky road from then on. Lucky we were next to a Milk Bar so I bought a good supply of treats for the day. Getting back in the car it was really hard to choose what the next tape would be. I think it was Roxy Music. I doubted she would find any messages in there.

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