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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Reckless by The Sports 1978

 In 1977  my friends and I would go to a lot of Sports gigs. This was the closest we could get to the scene that was happening in the UK even though it wasn't punk music. But they had got a brilliant review in the NME. Single of the week no less. And we all bought the 7 inch EP. This was our Melbourne band. 

Seemingly led by Steve Cummins by the fact he was the singer their star continued to shine as 1978 appeared. And they seemed to give support to the leading lights of the new wave in the Boys Next Door. The Sports/ Boys Next Door nights were the highlights of our gig going in 78. One gig at the Collingwood Town Hall with both bands playing stands out in particular. Probably the first time I went to Collingwood. And when Sports brought out their debut album we all went and bought it. because we were listening to Graham Parker and Elvis Costello as well a full-on punk like the Clash there seemed to be room for everything now. 

It kicked off with the "Boys (What Did The Detective Say?)" single. (Oddly enough Elvis Costello released "Watching The Detectives " at the same time) The song was a very Melbourne song that we could easily identify with the lyrics. From then on it was a trip from Russell Street to Richmond and Carlton and around the city. Steve may not have mentioned the places directly in the songs but it all just felt inner city Melbourne. Listening to this album now brings up great memories of great venues of the past. Martinis in Carlton which was also a pizza place. the Kingston Hotel and walking down the stairs to the main room (seeing Graham Parker leaning on the wall watching the band) and the Station Hotel. Straight off the train and into the bar.

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